CWS Challenging White Supremacy Workshop
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Current Workshops

Anti-Racism for Global Justice

Past Workshops

Becoming an Anti-Racist Activist

Becoming an Anti-Racist Organizer
An Introduction to Grassroots Anti-Racist Organizing
Becoming an Anti-Racist Activist

Colonialism, Imperialism and Indigenous Resistance: How Mother Earth Became a Piece of Real Estate Week 3


  1. To understand that theft of indigenous land and the destruction of native nations are foundations of the U.S. white supremacy system and of the United States as a nation.
  2. To understand that land is the material, political and spiritual basis for a people to see themselves as a people.
  3. To develop an experientially-based analysis of the relationship between land as real estate and the legacy of 300 years of affirmative action for white people.
  4. To remember the ways in which a relationship to the land is still fundamental to our lives today, and to our present relationship to the U.S. white supremacy system.
  • Introduction and Nourishing the Spirit go around
  • Framing Today's Agenda
  • Hold on to Your Visions
  • A Time Line: Land Theft and Affirmative Action
  • Insights/Debrief


    Small Groups:

  • "What was this exercise like for you?"
  • Evaluation: Constructive Criticism is an Act of Love
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CWS Workshop 2440 - 16th. St. PMB #275 San Francisco, CA 94103 415-647-0921